The Faith Formation Program at St. Anne includes Children's Faith Formation, Youth Ministry andAdult Faith Formation . Volunteer Catechists are tasked with laying the foundation of our faith and building upon it by using the Church's teaching through the Roman Catholic Magisterium and specialized programs. All of us, guided by the Holy Spirit, are called to be Ministers of the Word. We have all been commissioned to use our knowledge, experiences and skills in teaching others that Jesus is the Son of God, that He came to the world to bring Salvation, that we are to center our lives in Him and follow the call we received from baptism to became His disciples.
Elementary Faith Formation - Pre-K - 5th Grade (Eng. & Sp.)
Rosalinda Navarro
Phone: 281-205-1175
Youth Ministry- 6th-12th Grade
Adore Ministries
Adult Confirmation
Rosemary aka Rosamaria Perry