In accordance with the permissions and recommendations of Cardinal DiNardo that each Pastor devise methods that will work best for his individual parish based on its own size and situation, as the leader of the Pandemic Response Team of St. Anne – Tomball, I dictate the following:
Phase I - All our efforts and resources will be focused on resuming Liturgy for distribution of the Holy Eucharist to the faithful, the sacrament of Reconciliation, and having the church open for time of private prayer.
Phase II - Our focus will be on re-opening the Parish for the celebration of the sacraments of initiation - Baptism, First Communion, Confirmation, and the sacrament of Holy Matrimony.
Phase III - Our focus will be on The Corporal Works of Mercy - primarily funerals - and social services.
The final phase will be to resume religious education and school activities and to welcome our organizational ministries back onto campus for meetings and public gatherings. The timing of each phase will be based on continued assessment of how COVID19 continues to affect our lives and our communities.
Other than Mass, Reconciliation, and private prayer in the church, all other campus activities remain suspended until further notice. Certainly, we are making great strides against this Pandemic, but its effects are far reaching, and it is not yet the time for ‘business as usual’. Recovery will be gradual and will continue to require much sacrifice. As of now, we cannot determine how long that will take, but it is likely that we will need patient endurance for a while into the future until restrictions are lifted by government entities and the Archdiocese.
Let us be thankful for each positive step - particularly being able to receive Holy Communion! Never lose sight of the fact that God is in control and that we are called to accept his Holy Will, doing the best that we can with each circumstance accordingly.
Detailed plans for Phase I will be forthcoming soon. Thank you in advance for your patience and co-operation.